The girl`s father, Terrence Parker told KOKI that not only is he a barber, his kids always look presentable... I`m wondering what happens to a single African braid if you just neglect it. “She`s always presentable,” he said of 7-year-old Tiana. african dreadlocks The school`s dress code forbids dreadlocks, Afros, mohawks and other “faddish styles,” that they fear could distract from a “respectful and serious” learning environment. "I think that they should let me have my dreads.Thieves in South Africa are stealing dreadlocks right off people`s heads.Both were fashionably dressed in black for the show, along with black shades to show their celebrity status.."I`ve heard this was possible, but I wonder for what type of hair as african american hair is natrually more nappy "I`ve heard this was possible, but I wonder for what type of hair as african american hair is natrually more nappy."Why are you so sad?" a TV reporter asked the little girl with a bright pink bow in her hair. “I take pride in my kids looking nice.Listen – dreads exist because black hair dreads naturally, and because we can usually pull it off (I don`t know if it`s our so-called “strong features” or just natural smoothness, but it works for us).” The school refused to& . ...Yo minna! ^ We all know this hair style, African braids. Some would defend those rules as no different from& . . "Because they didn`t like my dreads," she sobbed, wiping her tears. We don`t have to grease our& . It is almost the end of summer and those lazy hazy crazy days of summer have given way to the hustle and bustle of back-to-school routines..The girl`s father, Terrence Parker told KOKI that not only is he a barber, his kids always look presentable The girl`s father, Terrence Parker told KOKI that not only is he a barber, his kids always look presentable... I`m wondering what happens to a single African braid if you just neglect it. “She`s always presentable,” he said of 7-year-old Tiana. 18b and sec
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